

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

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 Feedback For Sundeep Gill
 Trusted McKenzie Friend 

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SM about Sundeep Gill

Family Court Support: 'From day one until now Sundeep has been an unbelievable support for me in so many ways. In the early days he spent so much time explaining things to me and ensuring that I understood that there is light at the end of the tunnel even if I cannot see it. I have never had any dealings with the legal system before and did not know my left from my right. I can single handedly say my survival through all this is down to his dedication, patience, calmness, determination, openness, articulation and empathy. I am so grateful that he was available on text or a phone call whenever I had a thought, question or was daymares. He called more than my friends did (and they disappear fast). Sundeep has been a phenomenal. Just get in touch with them and speak to human beings who genuinely believe in, might for you and will do everything possible to support you..'

Contact McKenzie Sundeep Gill

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
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