

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

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 Feedback For Sundeep Gill
 Trusted McKenzie Friend 

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Louise about Sundeep Gill

Family Court Support: 'Sundeep was able to draft a contact order as part of my position statement and request that a final hearing to be discharged and in its place a final order by consent. With Sundeep’s help, I was able to agree with the other party something that I felt was fair and was conducive to what I required. The court were grateful for this detail and we were able to get a final order without having to go through the emotional rollercoaster of a heated final hearing.

I believe this would not have been possible without Sundeep’s input. He clearly knows what the court expects and how to articulate what I needed within a court friendly way..'

Contact McKenzie Sundeep Gill

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
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