

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

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Feedback for McKenzie Friend Lynne James

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Donna from Southampton about Lynne James

'Lynne has been a massive support to me going through the court process for financial remedy. Not only is Lynne knowledgeable when it comes to Family Law, she is also so very friendly and supportive.
It’s not just a job to Lynne. Unlike most solicitors, she genuinely cares about you getting what’s fair. Lynne is also so easy to get hold of and always available when you need her. Again, you don’t get that with solicitors, especially after hours and at weekends.
I have been successful in my case, and it shows you don’t need to spend thousands and thousands on solicitors and barristers.'

Contact McKenzie Friend Lynne James

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
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