

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

Take the path of #lightnothate


  Contact Trusted McKenzie Friend  Georgina

 I am passionate about reducing conflict in the family court by providing people the support they need to navigate and simplify the complexities of the system, including articulating the children’s voice.

Having personal experience as a Litigant in Person in child arrangement proceedings, as well as experience with instructing lawyers, I am acutely aware of the high levels of stress experienced by the parties and of the significant cost of legal advice and representation.

I am able to charge a fraction of such legal fees by supporting you effectively to do as much of the work involved as possible. I will work with you throughout the process to help you articulate your points in the most effective way, feel empowered and in maintain control.

My journey into the family court began in 2016. I have extensive personal experience over the period of 6 years. Throughout that time, I had spent a fortune with Lawyers and I learned how to become a skilled litigant in person. 

I am able to understand the struggles and challenges litigants in person face in the family court. Because of this I now have a genuine passion to help people in this process and to make positive impacts to the family court system.

Georgina has been trained by the McKenzie Friend UK network

Contact McKenzie Friend Georgina Haynes

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
  Phil from Herts about Georgina Haynes

'll 'try' to keep this short, but I could honestly write pages about my recent experience and how excellent Georgina has been throughout my child custoday case. She stepped up in my very urgent hour of need, and spent hours and hours helping me create a detailed position statement and shared her detailed understanding of court proceedings etc in relation to an urgent hearing, covertly and maliciously sprung upon me with just five days notice. I was in complete shock during that point in time, and without Georginas expertise and clear concise help and guidance I would have been in a whole world of hurt. From the 1st interaction to the very end Georgina was always calm/ informative/ engaged/ supportive/ flexible and very knowledgeable. I walked into the first hearing prepared and feeling much more in control just a few days later. With Georginas invaluable help the Judge was able to very quickly see through all the noise and accusations against me, and we came out with a much much fairer interim arrangement than the one sought by the other side. Seven months and three hearings later - the proceedings are all over and the final order is exactly what I'd asked for, word for word almost.

I cannot thank Georgina enough. Without her the outcome could have been horrificly damaging for my Son, and myself. Her deep insight, understanding and experience really were invaluable, and I've leaened an awful lot along the way. I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Thank you one last time Georgina. When the universe sent a black storm my way, without warning, you lent me an umbrella and showed me the way to get through it and out the other side, whilst helping me keep my focus on staying positive, fair and non-counter accusatory (which many times was the exact opposite of my basic insticts in such an awful and stress inducing situation). "Light not hate"

.Our future is back on track.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
  22/02/25 Magdalena from Norwich about Georgina Haynes

I cannot thank Georgina enough for her incredible support throughout my child arrangement case. From the very beginning, she stepped in at short notice and has been with me every step of the way. Her knowledge and expertise have been invaluable, and her guidance in drafting important documents was crucial. She’s always available to answer questions and offers genuine, thoughtful advice and support that made a tough situation more manageable. Her commitment and compassion have meant the world to me—without her help, I honestly don’t know what I would have done. She's truly fantastic, and I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone in need of a MacKenzie friend. Thank you Georgina, I will never forget you.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
  Toby about Georgina Haynes

Georgina has been a fantastic support through the Family Law Court process. I would have struggled hugley without her help and knowledge. I would thoroughly recommend her.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
  Stephen B about Georgina Haynes

My McKensie friend Georgina has been an incredible help to me and so professional in her approach and knowledge of the situation regarding divorce law. I am a pensioner now 77 years old to be honest i dont know what iwould have done without the assistance Georgina provides. As a pensioner i have no means of providing a barrister to represent me. I have recommended her to myniece who is also going through divorce. A marvelous lady and true help Thank you McKensie Friends !!!

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
  Mahendra about Georgina Haynes

It was a great support to have Georgina handle my case both in terms of preparation for the hearing and also at the court. She is very experienced and knowledgeable in children and family matters. Certainly recommended.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility


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