

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

Take the path of #lightnothate


  Trusted McKenzie Friend Crista Debenham

Hello, I’m Crista, a McKenzie Friend based on the Isle of Wight, covering the Island and Hampshire. 

After personally experiencing a difficult and long winded divorce, I decided to train to become a McKenzie Friend to help others self represent and avoid costly solicitors and help them maintain control of their family law case.

During my experience of family court and solicitors, I soon realised that no one would care as much about my case, my children and our future as much as I do. Yes, it is well known solicitors are expensive, they also do not have the time to understand your case, your family and your circumstances.

Divorce and family court can be stressful, confusing and time consuming- as a McKenzie Friend I am here to assist you as a litigant in person; guiding you through the process offering advice, emotional and practical support. I take the time to understand your individual situation, your concerns and your hopes for the future.

Alongside training as a McKenzie Friend, I have qualifications in Understanding Domestic Abuse, Counselling Skills and a Certificate in Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health. I work closely with a local domestic abuse charity and I run a free weekly support group for those experiencing domestic abuse looking for assistance with the family court process.

Crista has been trained by the McKenzie Friend UK Network 

Contact McKenzie Crista Debenham

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders

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