The purpose of an
Occupation Order is to regulate the family home.
Occupation orders have a very large scope
and could do one or more of the following things:
- Enforce a right to stay in the
family home
- Enforce a right to return to the
family home, perhaps you've been locked out when
you shouldn't have been
- Exclude someone from the family
home even though they have a legal right to be
there, for example, excluding a spouse because of
their violence and abuse
- Set out who has to pay the rent or
mortgage and repair and maintain the family home
- Give a right to stay in the family
home for a specified period and prevent you from
being evicted during that time
- Set out who lives in which parts
of the home, where you both have to live in
different parts of the same home
- Ensure home rights are not brought
to an end by the death of a spouse or civil
partner or by the ending of the marriage or civil
- Orders are usually made for
6months to a year. They can be longer but this is
not usual. They can be renewed.