The C100 application
is a specific form used in family law matters in the
United Kingdom. It is officially known as "Form
C100: Application under the Children Act 1989 for a child
arrangement, prohibited steps, specific issue order or to
vary or discharge or ask permission to make a section 8
The C100 form is
typically used by parents or guardians who wish to apply
to the court for certain orders regarding child
arrangements, such as custody and visitation rights, or
to address specific issues related to the child's
upbringing. The form can be used in various situations,
such as divorce or separation, where parents need the
court's intervention to resolve disputes about their
children's welfare.
C100 Online
Practice Directions: Application to
the Court
Request a Case
Review with Phil Kedge
Director of the McKenzie Friend UK Network
Free 30 minutes
with a
Trained and Trusted McKenzie Friend
Ask Your Questions
On Our Public Family Court Forum
3: Allocation and Gatekeeping
On receipt of the
application, the court will conduct 'gatekeeping' to
determine that nature of the application, whether it is
urgent and should be held with or without notice, and to
allocate the case to either a District Judge or to
Unless the
application is accepted as 'without notice' the other
party will receive a copy of the application, will be
required to complete the
C7 acknowledgement
and to complete
C1a 'Making or
Responding to allegations of Harm and Domestic Violence'.
A directions letter will then be sent to
the parties with a date of the First Hearing Dispute
Resolution Appointment, and a notice that Cafcass will be
in contact to conduct their Safeguarding Call.
Practice Directions: Allocation and
Practice Directions: Urgent and
Without Notice Hearings
4: The Safeguarding Phone Call + Letter
In most cases, both
parties will receive a phone call from a Cafcass Family
Court Advisor. The purpose of the call is to ty to find
out if there are any concerns about the safety and
welfare of your children.
least three days before the first court hearing Cafcass
will provide the court with a short report on the
outcomes of the safeguarding checks and any child welfare
issues raised by each of the parties. This is known as a
safeguarding letter.
Practice Directions: Safeguarding
Resisting Contact
5: The First Hearing Dispute Resolution
Prior to the First
Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment, it is the
convention for both parties to file and serve Position
A Position
Statement is a written statement that outlines the
person's position, views, and preferences regarding
specific issues related to the family matter being
addressed in court. The purpose of a Family Court
Position Statement is to provide the court with a clear
understanding of the person's stance on the disputed
matters. Position statement should be no more than 3
sides of A4 paper and should be restricted to a persons
position and not contain arguments around litigation or
(See source FHDRA and Evidence
The purpose of the FHDRA is for
the court to:
- obtain initial information
about the case;
- consider welfare and harm
- determine whether a
Fact-Finding on allegation of domestic abuse is
needed by applying Practice Directions 12;
- consider whether any interim
orders can be made by consent;
- to determine whether Cafcass
needs to prepare a Section 7 report.
Practice Directions: The First Hearing
Dispute Resolution Appointment
The Role of Cafcass at the FHDRA
Example of a Position Statement
Practice Directions
12J: Domestic Violence and Harm
6: Fact Finding or Section 7 Report
7 Report
Fact-Finding Hearing in Family Court is a legal
proceeding conducted to determine the truth of
disputed facts in a family law case.
Section 7 Interview and Section 7 Report refers
to Section 7 of the Children Act 1989 and gives
the Court the power to request that a Court
Officer (Cafcass, a Welsh Family Proceedings
Officer, or a Local Authority Social Services) to
report to the court on matters relating to the
welfare of the child or children.
7: The Dispute Resolution Appointment
The Dispute
Resolution Appointment usually follows the Section 7
Report. The purpose of the Dispute Resolution Appointment
is to consider the recommendations by the Section 7
Report and to determine the position of each party in
relation to the recommendations.
It is convention that both parties will
submit and serve a Position Statement prior to the DRA
outlining their position in response to the Cafcass
At the DRA, the Cafcass Family
Court Advisor will speak to both parties separately. The
aim is to establish whether there is either agreement
with the recommendations, whether there are part
agreements (narrowing down the issues), or whether the
parties are still at disagreement with little resolution.
At the Dispute Resolution
Appointment the Cafcass Officer will usually then update
the court as to any progress.
If there is agreement, the court
may make a Final Order based on the consent of both
Where there is no agreement, the
court will set a date for a Final Hearing.
The court will determine whether
the Cafcass Family Court Advisor will be required to
attend the Final Hearing to give evidence on their
Section 7 Report and to be cross examined.
Practice Directions: The DRA
8: The Final Hearing
Prior to the Final
Hearing, both parties will file and serve a Final
Statement of their positions and providing any evidence
that they rely on. With the permission of the court, the
parties may also rely on witnesses.
At the Final Hearing both parties can be
cross examined and both parties can cross examine Cafcass
and any other witnesses.
Where there are allegations of
domestic abuse, both parties may qualify for a Qualified
Legal Representative (QLR) to conduct cross examinations.
After the cross examinations,
both parties will be able to provide final submissions to
the court. The court will then make a Final Judgement.
Qualified Legal Representatives
The contact
arrangements set out in a Child Arrangements Order remain
legally binding until the child reaches the age of 16
unless the order specifically states otherwise. This is
in accordance with
section 91(10) of the Children Act 1989
. After this point it will be up to the
child to decide how much contact they would like to have
with the parent they do not live with.
The ‘live with’ element of a
Child Arrangements Order remains legally binding until
the child reaches the age of 18, however the Court are
very reluctant to enforce such orders beyond the age of
16 unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Slip Rule
: The court may correct an accidental
slip or omission in a judgment or order
91(14) Barring Order
This type of Order allows the court
to prevent individuals, usually parents, from making an
application to the court without the court's permission
New Rules To Standard Orders
: On the 17 th
May 2023 Mr
Justice Peel announced a number of changes to the
Standard Family Orders.