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Catch Up 30 Min Case Review with Phil Kedge

McKenzie Friend Phil 
30 min Case Review

Level 1: Catch Up

30 minute 1-1 Consultation


1 document to pre-read (20mins)

Only £37.50


Catch Up Case Review With Phil Kedge

30 Min Catch Up = £37.50


  • Please note that a case review is not a detailed or 'forensic' examination of all the evidence and issues.
  • A case review is an overview of the current situation with a discussion about the key points with the possible options in relation to a direction of travel and options.
  • A case review is a) not about assisting with questions for cross-examinations, b) is not about a detailed look at evidence in relation to allegations and responses, c) is not about assistance in writing statements.
  • All assistance is provided as a McKenzie Friend 'Layperson' 
  • I do not tell you what to do. I help discuss options and the pros and cons of different pathways. Decisions in relation to your case are entirely yours. 
  • I am not legally trained, I do not offer any legal advice, I provide support as would an 'informed friend'.
  • Excludes further involvement in your case.
  • Some options provide access to the Online Training Modules. This excludes the certificate, and excludes purchasing extension periods to the training.

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