

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

Take the path of #lightnothate



I am a former Management Consultant who helped large corporations achieve major change. I am educated to masters degree level and have received awards from HMRC for successfully implementing major change initiatives within time, quality and cost constraints. 

This experience and expertise has hugely helped me with my own litigation, successfully navigating the myriad of documents and processes involving child arrangements, financial remedy and non-molestation/occupation orders. 

It is now my passion to bring this experience and expertise to support individuals overcome the emotional stress and procedural challenges of the divorce process. I will guide you through these process steps avoiding any pitfalls by helping you submit applications, write statements, letters and create bundles. At every step I will ensure you feel supported, in control and ahead of the game.

The debilitating emotion coupled with the life changing decisions all resting on alien documentation requirements, deadlines and hearing dates can be daunting. As your Mackenzie Friend I will work diligently to help you achieve the best possible outcome at a fraction of the cost of solicitors and barristers.

Having stood up to some of the hardest hitting CEO’s in my professional career I have no fear when it comes to standing up for your rights and position when it looks like the other side have a stronger position.

Malcolm covers the Family Courts of:

Contact McKenzie Friend Malcolm Campbell

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
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