

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

Take the path of #lightnothate


 Contact  Trusted McKenzie Friend  Jon Bedworth

 I am Dr Jon Bedworth. I have a BA in Social Science and a PhD in the interactive arts. I also spent many years as a software engineer and was for some years a part-time tutor on a postgraduate course, MA in Digital Art. This has given me a skills in critical thinking, communication and mentoring, that I believe help my role as a McKenzie Friend.

I also have experience of our court system, having previously taken legal action over a business-related matter, and helped a friend with her ongoing parking dispute, in preparing documents and submit court papers. While my role as as McKenzie Friend is not to provide you with legal advice, this experience has nonetheless aided my understanding of legal procedure and language, and it was through this that I became aware of McKenzie Friends.

Having been witness to an unpleasant divorce as a teenager, I feel particular affinity with the plight of the children caught up in such situations, which can become expensive adversarial legal battles. But it need not be so. As your McKenzie Friend, I hope to be able to help you understand this process and in so doing represent yourself within it, removing the need for expensive legal representation, while promoting a less adversarial approach to resolving matters.

Contact Jon Bedworth

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
  20/03/25 S about McKenzie Friend Jon Bedworth

I honestly found Jon to be extremely helpful. He has helped to prepare my response statement as well as my court bundle, which my barrister said were both well prepared. Jon is very thorough and methodical. I would recommend him to anyone who needs some support from getting started, to finalising their documents.

Don't panic-Jon is super helpful. Have a notepad and pen with you all the time or make notes on your phone. Thoughts and ideas will come out of the blue-writing things down will help you remember, then organise those points in an email before sending them. This will help you to get your points across-and don't send your email as soon as you write it. Have a break and then re-read it. Remember that you know what you are thinking and what happened-you need to write it so that a 3rd party who wasn't present can understand exactly what it is that you're trying to say.

Nb-send him the documents directly from docx/Word if you're using Apple, its loads easier. As these files can be large I also recommend checking with your email provider so that you can send large files, or use something like OneDrive/GoogleDrive for example. You may find the documents you need to send will be larger, especially if you need to enclose pictures, audio or video.

Jon was dependable from start to finish and always responded in a timely manner. I would definitely ask him for his help in the future should I ever find myself needing to.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
  30/01/25 Charlie B from Dagenham about McKenzie Friend Jon Bedworth

Could not of asked for better support. Helped me make a few amendments to my statement and gave some advice to help along the way was even there when I need just a little bit of support. Will continue to use jon as he's been to help and kind.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility

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