

You Don't Need Family Lawyers

Tens of thousands of people are empowering themselves through Family Court as Litigant's in Person with the support of

a Trusted McKenzie Friend.

Take the path of #lightnothate


 Contact Simon Trott Today
 Trusted McKenzie Friend 

After graduating with an LLB in 1983, and heading along the route to solicitorship, I succumbed to the lure of a career in aviation, serving as a pilot in the RAF and international airlines, in the UK,
Europe and Far East. I am a long-time trainer in the “soft” skills, including communication, team skills and conflict management. During my military career, I was involved in the work of the Courts
Martial, both case preparation and as a member of the Court, and have since spent approaching 2 decades carrying out voluntary work within the legal system.

Over the years, I have assisted many friends, their friends, and colleagues in conducting private legal matters practically, while understanding the stress the process put them under. I am an honest,
frank and, where needed, critical friend, who maintains support and the necessary focus of attention to achieve the best possible resolution.

I know, from experience, the personal and financial stresses family matters cause – that should not be magnified by unnecessary fees. I hope to be able to use my knowledge, skills and experience to
your benefit, helping you negotiate the process and reduce the financial pain, and some of the worries, it will inevitably cause.

Contact McKenzie Simon Trott

Child Arrangements
Financial Settlements
Non Molestation Orders
Occupation Orders
  Norma N about McKenzie Friend Dorota Abratanska

Dorota supported me throughout this difficult journey and made it possible for me to succeed be get the results that I needed to protect my livelihood. She made herself available and never once did I feel alone, I would never have made it without her support.

Case Support
Coaching & Mentoring
Response & Accessibility
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